Dr. Utpal Barua
"Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) is a research oriented extension programme of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to test, validate, refine and disseminate agriculture and allied technologies to the farmers’ field. It is a front line extension system for a district to demonstrate and disseminate the technologies developed through agricultural research and education at farmer's field with the help of a multidisciplinary team of scientists. KVK appears to be the only institutional system at the district level for technological backstopping in agriculture and allied sectors. KVKs are performing multi-dimensional roles, starting from core activities such as technology backstopping, resource conservation methods, introduction of cutting-edge techniques, up-scaling of technologies, envisioning entrepreneurial opportunities in rural areas by providing vocational & skill training.'.
The KVK Namsai of Arunachal Pradesh functions under the administrative control of ICAR Research Complex for North Eastern Hill Region, Umiam, Meghalaya. It has been instrumental in Technology Assessment and Demonstration for its wider Application and to enhance Capacity Development (TADA-CD) of farmers and extension personnels of agricultural and allied sectors in Namsai district since 26th March, 2007. It has been playing pivotal role in creation of valuable resources in terms of skilled manpower and assets, confirmation of technologies to suit local specificity, showcasing the frontier technologies, capacity building among stakeholders. The ultimate goal is to achieve science and technology led growth leading to enhanced productivity, profitability and sustainability through agriculture." |
2016 Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Namsai (Namsai District). All Rights Reserved |
Md. Ziaur Rahman,Programme Astt. (Computer) |